Creativity and being a creative entrepreneur has been on my mind lately, especially as I am pondering how to best introduce a multitude of income streams. It is important to do business in ... Continue reading
Topics that have been on my mind lately. Please chime in with your thoughts!
Moving A Craft Room
Is it time to move? A month ago I relocated my home to a new address the sixth time in six years, and would like to share some thoughts on removals with things that fill a medium-sized craft room. ... Continue reading
Let’s Talk Scraps!: My Definition Of Fabric Scraps And Offcuts
Once you have cut into fabric, whether precut bundles or pieces from the bolt, and used parts of them for a first project, you are left with what many call scraps. The definition is a bit arbitrary ... Continue reading
Mini Series: Let’s Talk Scraps!
Welcome to my first series of blog posts! Summer cleaning means rummaging through my stash of quilting fabrics, reacquainting myself with oldies but goodies, and pondering patterns with a scrappy ... Continue reading
Introducing Conversations
Conversations is a new category on this blog. It is meant for posts that present random thoughts related to handicrafts, opinions, tips and more. Sometimes I want to blog without showing what ... Continue reading
What Is Creativity?
What exactly is creativity? And where does it come from? How Is Creativity Defined? Instead of grabbing a dictionary or psychology book I promptly breathe: "I have no idea!" It's easier to ... Continue reading